A little about me: I am married to a beautiful lady, Chelsea Francis. We were married in August of 2010 and have been loving our lives ever since. I graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelor degree in computer science. While in school I was able to complete an awesome an invaluable internship in Las Vegas where I worked in a small network consulting shop. This is where my love for finding an elegant solution to my technical problems really took root. It has been my dream since that summer in Las Vegas to share my knowledge and develop a company that will pay my bills while allowing me to do what I love (see previous sentence for what I love to do). While refining and trying to discover how to best shape my business, I've been working at a local benefit administrator. I started out as a data technician and worked my way along to become a programmer/analyst. I've spent most of my time developing internal web applications for administering international benefits. Most of the web stuff that we do is based on Microsoft's ASP.NET framework. There is a pretty large domestic database driven system that I've worked on pretty extensively that is a Java based application. I've also worked with some 3rd party software tools that we customize to meet our unique business needs.
Though I am stuck working at a mostly Microsoft shop during the day, I have the luxury of coming home to my Mac. I've been out of school for a couple of years now and am getting the itch to learn something new, so it seemed natural that I should learn to write programs for the Mac. My entrepreneurial spirit lead me to lean towards the iPhone/iPad rather than focusing on Mac applications to get started. I'm hoping to enter the App Store in the near future and we'll see where that will take me and where it will take CloudApp IT, LLC.
I've been fortunate in my relatively short career in the computer industry to have contacts with lots of smart people. I feel like I've picked up a few things here and there from many of the people that I've had the pleasure to work with. It's my vision and goal to turn CloudApp IT, LLC into an outlet where I can offer people services and products that will help them solve their technological problems. And, hopefully, we can sprinkle in a little fun along the way. As I have time to do so, I'll use this blog as an outlet to share some experiences and ideas that I have while undertaking this entrepreneurial adventure.